The Cute Factor...

Great Goodness, people. 

Look what I saw at Barnes and Noble the other night:

Board book versions of Pride and Prejudice and Romeo and Juliet.

They are called "Little Miss Austen" and "Little Master Shakespeare."

I oh, so wanted to buy it. 

It, not them.

See, if there is a book I dislike more than Romeo and Juliet I don't know what it is. 

Okay, maybe "A Confederacy of Dunces" but it's close.

However, the cute factor is very high on these books.

I mean...

I'm not totally sure why my two year old needs to know about Pride and Prejudice much less the teen suicide pact that is Romeo and Juliet but they are pretty darn sweet.

Yes, that's right. I don't like Romeo and Juliet.

Oh, don't get on to me about Shakespeare.

Here is the deal:

There are plenty of things I don't like that I KNOW I'm wrong about. 

Like bananas or breastfeeding. 

I mean, yes they are good. 

I just don't like them.

But I do like the cute factor and the girly squeal that the board book inspires.

Can I just buy it for myself?

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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