When You Know Chemistry is Going to be a Bad Idea

When I began my pursuit of a liberal arts degree at Auburn I knew that I wasn't going to have to take too many Science classes. 

Thank goodness, because me and science aren't exactly 'simpatico'.

It's all the dang math. 

I'm a fact memorizer not a ....

Well, a whatever Math people have to do.

You had to take at least two Science classes to obtain your degree so I opted for Geology. 


Well, our sororities files for it were really good and the building was close to my apartment. 

Yep...that's how I made the decision. 

I actually liked it though. 

I love anything that has to do with straight up memorization. 

I can memorize the heck out of some facts - especially useless facts.

I can rock a Jeopardy board.


Maybe all those facts weren't so useless. 

I mean...

Let's take a look at this picture:

In which we learn about the different layers of soil and rock:


That's not what that picture is. 

I believe it's about dinosaurs.

Let's try again:

Google like the wind, woman! Walking Dead starts in 20 minutes!

Ah, yes. Here it is.

The layers of soil and rock:

So, of course I had to memorize a chart like this only to never need the knowledge again. 

However, maybe I will actually use it one day. 

One day like today. 


We have a bit of a hoarder on our hands. 

She makes little nests all over the house. 

It's really quite disturbing. 

The biggest nest by far though is in her crib.

Look closely. 

Clearly you can see the different layers of soil...er, I mean stuff in the crib. 

Just like you have multiple layers of dirt and rock starting with bedrock and moving all the way up to organic material here we see multiple layers of the crib starting at the bottom with the lost bow layer and moving all the way up to the stuffed sheep layer.

The Lost Bow Layer 

The Blankie Layer

The Doll, Book, and Stuffed Sheep Layer.

"I love my layers!"

"Don't even think of taking any of this stuff away"


I knew I'd need it one day. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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