At this very moment I'm stuck in traffic from a detour.
I've been here in traffic for over an hour now.
Ya know, appreciate the fact that I have a car and all that.
I'm definitely glad I'm in my Dad's car right now. It's got a DVD/TV thing. That way I don't have to interact with the brood of minions I'm hauling around.
Because ya know that would just be awful...
I was supposed to have my niece and nephew home ages ago.
At this point I'm shaking my fist in the air and saying: DETOUR!!! It's kind of in a mad scientist voice.
A mad scientist would probably be able to figure out how to get out of this blasted detour.
It's a little like trying to find the best way into or out of Auburn on Game Day. You are in a long line of cars and ever so often someone gets out of line and goes down a small road and you are left thinking:
'They must be a local! They must know a secret way! Maybe I should follow them!'
I could do that now. I could turn down one of these tiny roads.
And yet here I sit.
So I guess I'm not that much of a mad scientist after all.
Instead I'm spending my time trying to send texts to one of my brothers about the location of his kids.
That's not very mad scientist either.
Wait! Score!!! I've hacked into a wireless signal!
Hacked in.
Maybe I am a mad scientist, after all.