Stealing Their Money...

Our minions are convinced that we are stealing their money. 

Yep, stealing it. 


A few months ago we stopped screwing around and got serious about teaching them how to handle money. 

I went to Target and bought the boys these divided containers.

I broke out the Sharpie and labeled them:

Spend - 80%
Save - 10%
Give - 10%

So they get $5 a week. 

That means they have to put fifty cents in 'save' and fifty cents in 'give' each week.

Great day, am I good at math or what?

So, each week as they divvy out the money the grumbling begins. 

"Why are you stealing money from me?"

"I don't want to put it in Save and Give!"

Yes, clearly we are stealing from them.

I told you we were working on empathy around here.

We try not to be too legalistic about it. 

For instance, when the oldest minion got a $2 bill in the mail from our associate pastor for his birthday I didn't make him break it down into spend, save, and give.

Speaking of money...

A couple days ago I forgot to take out the trash. 

Oh, alright...I didn't forget. I just decided to be lazy and put it off.

Thanks goodness because look what was hiding in the trash!

A $20 bill. 

Woo Hoo!

Well, it's like Cameron from Modern Family says:

"Yesterday's lazy, cures today's crazy."

Yes, it does. 

Now if we could just figure out how to cure the 'mom and dad are stealing my money' thing...


I'm happy to report that Erin Atkins won the AKA Jane Random Facebook contest! Way to go, Erin! And thanks for participating everyone!

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. After ours earned a remarkably very large sum of money for helping their grandparents in their trophy shop, we told them they had to divide it up (and we also include taxes- which actually go into savings). The moans and grumbling and almost name calling stopped when we started giving a lecture. For every protest they gave, we countered with five and said we were willing to continue the discussion for the three hour ride home from their grandparents. Let's say it was over within a half hour and not another word of complaint when they had to go to the bank

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