Super quick post tonight...
I bought Puss in Boots at Target a few minutes ago and am pretty excited about putting my jammies on, breaking out the Keurig and making some tea and shutting it down for the night.
'It' being anything that resembles cleaning.
Or parenting.
So...good luck with that to me.
Thought I'd share a little thing that has been super helpful the past few weeks around our house.
It's this:
This beat up old piece of paper is a prayer calendar.
Each day is a different character attribute you can pray for your kids.
Or anybody really, I guess.
It was written by Bob Hostetler and came to us through Gilliam Springs Baptist.
That's the church we attended when we lived in Union Grove, Alabama.
Anyway we've had the calendar for years...
Obviously, look at the state of the poor thing.
...but didn't really get serious about it until I sicked Apple on it.
Go get 'em Apple!
I sat down and made a repeating event of all the attributes on iCal and now it reminds me of what I'm praying for each day and what verse corresponds with it.
So on the 15th of every month I'm going to be praying at red lights and what not that the minions would be generous.
It's from 1 Timothy 6:18 which says:
"They are to do good; to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share."
So, there ya go.
And less you think this blog was way to practical, here is a video of the kind of things Billy and I do on date night:
You're welcome.
For God's Glory