I Promise I'm Not the Pied Piper...


If I promise that I'm not the Pied Piper would you consider following my blog?

All you have to do it click on the button that says follow. 

This afternoon I got on blogger and saw that I had gained my 49th follower. 

You can see who it is by looking at the list of followers.

But don't even look at his blog!

It's all about Italy and Italian food and it's amazing. 

I hear Santa Lucia when I read it and remember riding bikes on the walls of Lucca and wandering through the streets of Assisi and eating gelato in Menaggio and swimming in the Cinque Terre and Capri and on and on. 

Just type Italy into the search bar of the blog and you'll see that I'm more than a little obsessed. 

But in my defense lots of people are obsessed with Italy.

Mad that you're not vacationing in Italy, living in Italy or eating Italian at this very moment. 

I could spend hours in the archives.

So, speaking of the Pied Piper I listened to a podcast the other day that suggested that the story may be true. 

It was more than a little scary!

This blog is not scary. 


Why don't you give it a follow?

I'm so close to fifty!

I can hear Leatherneck, a frequent commenter, getting on to me right now about worrying about how many people follow the blog but there ya go. 

Those are the ABC's of me as Rod Tidwell would say. 

And now it's back to this:

I'm painting my cabinets. 


Painting cabinets. 

That is scary. 

Maybe this blog is scary after all!

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. OMG!!! I'm #50!! What do I win?

  2. Me? Get on you? Certainly not. Even though I am in Washington State anyone who hates the Tide is OK with me. Thanks for the tip on the Italian blog - I left a comment there and told him that Spaghetti Carbonara was the very first meal I ate in Naples when we got there in 1976 for three years duty and I have loved it ever since. He is very right about eating it in a restaurant. Perhaps a 10% chance of success.

    1. I think 10% is being a little optimistic? Maybe 5.
      And AKA Jane, thanks for the much-needed publicity! Though if my site makes people a little mad, apologies in advance, it was not my intention. And as far as painting cabinets are concerned, much scarier than reading the Pied Piper.

    2. Spaghetti Carbonara is one of my favorite Italian dishes to make - plus my kids love it.

    3. And please don't mention Naples to me. Every time we go there something bad happens. Naples is the only place in Italy I don't get a good feeling about. Maybe that just means I need to go back and make a good memory there to make up for the bad ones. Yes, I think that's definitely what it means.

  3. I lived there 3 years and loved the city and the Napolitani. How can you not love a city where the smugglers went on strike (sciopero) because the guardia di finanzia got faster boats. I made spaghetti carbonara tonight for my wife and I - with a crisp pinot gris it was wonderful. You must use pancetta though to get the taste.

    1. Well, the first time I went we were involved in a riot (the sanitation department was striking), the second time I went I was really sick (that had nothing to do with Naples but the memory still exists) and the third time I went Billy and I got in the 2nd biggest fight of our marriage! There was a truly horrendous train ride back from Pompeii due to me misreading the train signs and obnoxious teenagers and me being really pregnant. Blah, blah, blah.

      I need to give it another try.

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