Don't Forget Your Jacket...

Just up the road from our house we have a pretty terrific hiking trail. 

Hey! Wait Rabbit Trail!!!

The other day while we were biking we found a little secret play area. 

It's in between Southwood Presbyterian's parking lot and the neighborhood behind the church. 

Here it is:

See this pituresque swing?

Wait just a minute! 

What is this?

Dad gum it would you look at that?

Beer cans!

Dang Presbyterians and their beer drinking. 

Alright, alright...It was probably the local teenagers. 

The swing was great though.

I wonder who put it there?

It probably wasn't the same people that drank all that beer.

Anyway, back to the great hiking trail.

It's owned by Forever Wild which is a non profit that buys land and...

Oh, people! Why do you make me google things? You know what Forever Wild is...
They buy land land and...

...makes sure it stays wild. 

The Land Trust of Huntsville also has something do with Forever Wild but I'm not sure what.

They are both great organizations though.

The land is definitely wild once this business gets there:

We had a great time on the hike even though I forgot my jacket and it was a little chilly. 

I am not scared to forget my jacket. 

He had his jacket:

Multiple interesting rocks were picked up and examined.

I tried to take pictures of the kids but darn it if they aren't moving and sometimes hostile targets.

Instead, I took pictures of the only things that the would stand still for me.

The signs on the trees.

We managed to steal a picture of a fellow hiker's map but trying to use the picture I took for mountaineering was a bit challenging.

And anyway...

...the wild beckoned and called us.

We answered.

Boulders were climbed.

Trees were traversed.

Caves were spotted.

The question: 

"What if we end up in Narnia?"

was asked. 

Other questions that were asked:

"What if we end up on the Jungle Cruise at Disney World"

"What if there are tigers?"

"What if we see a bear?"

I finally managed to grab one of my minions for a picture. 

I guess I could have gotten my picture with a Land Trust sign but it just wouldn't have been the same.

I love that our city has so many great hiking trails.

SO...Yeah for Huntsville and all that. 

And yeah for the person that put up that swing next to Southwood. 

But I'm not gonna yeah for whoever left all those beer cans out. 

Because, seriously, how much trouble is it to carry a trash bag in the car with you? 


Probably about as much trouble as carrying a jacket in the car with me would have been for our hike.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. yo. so that is the map i found on the land trust website a couple of weeks ago. me and the turds are gonna hit that soon. is it pretty good? I promise to bring the boys and lead you and yours on rainbow mtn trail if you'll meet up with us and show us the ropes on that trail...

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