Yoghurt Mountain


What a ridiculous word.

Say it out loud. Doesn't it sound like Yog hurt?

Doesn't it make you want to say: "No!!!!! Don't hurt the Yogs!"

Alrighty...Let's get back to normal. Or as normal as it gets on this blog.

So a Yoghurt Mountain just opened up in my neighborhood.

I love how you can trick yourself into thinking that because it has the word 'yoghurt' in it it's healthy.

But, let's face it. Once you add all the scrumptious toppings it's not so healthy.

Nobody demonstrates that better than my minions.

The combinations they can come up with...shudder.

Frozen yoghurt was first introduced to the US in New England in the 1970's.

So...go Boston and all that stuff.

Not to be abrupt but that's probably enough blogging for the night. 

I'm actually doing one of my very favorite things right now: watching high school basketball.

Yep, it's the night of the big Randolph versus Westminster game here in Huntsville.

High school basketball.

It's true. I love it.

Frozen yoghurt...eh, once you add the pecans and caramel and hot fudge I love it too - just not as much as high school basketball.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Now that just looks gross! The ice cream toppings, not James and Henry. I wuv them!

  3. Toss in a strawberry, for crying out loud.

  4. Where are the M & M's?

  5. The M & M's get too cold in the frozen yoghurt! They turn into tiny rocks.

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