We Meet Again...

Well, well, well...

We meet again DMV. 

The DMV: The place where whichever line is the longest is the one you need to be in.

It's cliche but look:

Line 1

The one I'm in and full of people.

Line 2, the one I don't need, is empty:

And egads! Who is this gentleman ahead of me?

Well, apparently his name is 'Scrimp.'

At least that what it says on his belt.

Let's just do a bit of googling to find out what exactly a scrimp is.

Alright, according to Google it means thrifty.

Or its can be a Southern pronunciation of the word shrimp. 

Or it might even refer to a process that allows you to make composite materials.*

I don't know which one applied to him. 

Maybe all three.

Complaining about waiting at the DMV is really a bit ridiculous. 

First World Problems and all that.

Yes, waiting in line is annoying but the fact that we even have a DMV in the first place is actually pretty amazing.  

I mean, to me cars are magic. Seriously, you turn a key and the engine starts and then it can take you places.

Scrimp looks like the kinda guy that would know how an internal combustion engine would work, though. 
He probably doesn't even think magic is involved. 

He probably doesn't think there's much magic involved in the DMV either.

I guess there isn't. 

Unless you were in that no waiting line....

Because that would be pretty dang magic. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Oh come on - every fan of cheap novels knows the opening line is supposed to be "So! The DMV, my old nemesis! We meet again!"

  2. i think the dude named "Scrimp" is awesome!! i am very upset at Rick and Chris for not naming, or at least nick-naming, me Scrimp. That aint nuthin but classique!

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