That's Not the Weirdest Thing that Happened...


A couple weeks ago I made a little trip to Target.

I'm beginning to thing that half my blogs begin with:

"So, I made a little trip to Target"

But, I counted and it's actually only three.

I think.


I was without the minions so I was pretty dang excited about slowly perusing the non-grocery section. 

Oh, don't laugh. 

Everyone likes a good non grocery trip to Target.

As I was pulling in I almost got hit by a lady in a hot pink Mustang with "High Maintenance" airbrushed on the side of her car.

I thought: "Hmmm, well, that's the weirdest thing I'll see all day."

As luck would have it though it wasn't the weirdest thing I saw all day.


I got through the store without any drama but....

As I was standing in line to check out I overheard a strange conversation. 

A mom and her little girl were in line behind me and the Mom....

Well, I really just don't know how to say this... 

The Mom suddenly looks at me and says:

"I'm sorry."

I looked at her and said "Excuse me?"

And she said:

"Oh, I burped and I thought you heard me."


But wait! There's more.

Her little girl then says:

"That's not a burp, this is a burp: Burp!"

And she proceeded to burp. Loudly.


Watch out for females with belching issues in Target next time you are there.

Or just watch out for females with issues because I'm pretty sure if you have "high maintenance" air brushed onto your car you are indeed actually high maintenance.

Dang it!

No pictures on the blog tonight.

Well, this just can't be.

I'll fix that!

Here is something else weird:

It's a fruit with no name. 

Or, maybe it has a name and it's name is name.

I saw this at the field trip I took to Publix with the middle minion. 

It was actually most excellent. 

Fruits named name are also excellent. 

Excellent and odd.

And weird.

Maybe not 'ladies burping out loud' in Target weird but weird none the less.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. oh. yeeeaahhhh...sorry 'bout that. That was me in the pink mustang.

  2. well, my first official tweet was this blog. i was trying to "subscribe" or "follow" your blog so that i don't have to keep putting anonymous in b/c i refuse to create another google email address just for this...

    1. Just get a blogger account. Go to and make an account. I appreciate the comments whether you have to write anonymous or not.

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