So let's talk about New Year's Resolutions...
Do I make them every year?
Do I make the same ones every year?
Pretty much.
This year I decided to make a couple different ones.
I was sick of seeing the same dang things in my journals year after year.
So, I'll share some of them:
Resolution Number One:
Never, ever, ever utter the phrase "We should hang out" unless it is going to be followed up by an actual appointment to 'hang out.'
That means Angie Reed and Julie Kennedy, watch out. I'm coming for you.
In the same vein,
Resolution Number Two:
Never, ever, ever say I'm going to pray for someone unless I am actually going to pray for them.
I mean, what kind of jerk thing is it for me to tell someone I am going to pray for them and then don't?
So, unless I am going to put it in the 'S' for Supplication field that night than I don't need to say it.
Yes, I still use the old ACTS method of prayer.
Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication
What of it?
I know it's old school but I like it.
And I just noticed that the "T" for Thankful got included in that picture. "Billy and I back together" just means that we are warm and fuzzy again after the big fight.
No one freak out.
Resolution the Third:
Go to the Gym and only eat dessert once a week so I don't look like this:
Of course something like that had to be in there.
There are a few more resolutions but I'll save them for later.
I know you'll be on pins and needles waiting.
Why would anyone ever be on 'pins and needles?'
Where did that expression come from?
Hmmm, I resolve to find out.
I will be looking forward to that email. :) Can't wait to get together. I am the worst at saying "I will have you over" and then not doing it. I need to work on this too!!