Lee Ziemba and Pasivo Agresivo

Warning: This blog post has been deemed 'mean' by certain members of the family. 

"That would be me, the husband."


You've been warned and all that...


Boy, oh boy, do I hate passive aggressive behavior. 

Let's define it, shall we:


Well, according to Psychology Today it is:

Acting indirectly aggressive as opposed to directly aggressive. 

Oh, you know what it means. 

There is a whole website devoted to it. 

It's pretty snarky though so if that's not your thing I'd avoid it. 

It's filled with things like this little gem:

To me passive aggressive behavior is a sign of immaturity. 

It's kinda like a: "I'm not mature enough to handle conflict directly" thing. 

Kinda like how I'm: "kinda not good at knowing where to put my punctuation" thing.

Of course you can go way too far the other way.

Twitter and Facebook are full of both kinds. 

Passive Aggressive behavior makes me think of Italy. 


Sometimes when I'm doing something I dislike I think of how to say it in Italian and it makes it better. 

I mean...

Doesn't Fare il bucato sound better than 'doing the laundry.'

Isn't it more pleasant to imagine the laundry hanging in Italy than it is to think of it rolling around in my dryer.

But even the Italians can't save passive aggressive behavior. 

That's because in Italian passive aggressive is translated as pasivo agresivo.

It's just not enough of a change. 

Today on Twitter former Auburn great and current Carolina Panther Lee Ziemba got into a bit of trouble by tweeting this: 

To the three moms at chick fil a having lunch with their 7 toddlers...get your kids to stop screaming or stay at home with them.

Now the thing that annoys me about this tweet is that it's passive aggressive in nature. 

Here is what he should have....

Isn't the world lucky to have me to tell it how to run!


Ziemba should have gone to the manager and said:

 "Sir, I'm trying to enjoy a nice lunch and those ladies are allowing their kids to be so loud. Could you ask them to tone it down, please?" 

Or he could have gone to the mothers and said:

"I know kids can be rowdy and that y'all are just trying to enjoy lunch but do you think there is anyway you could get them to be a little quieter?"

But no...

He gets on Twitter and says what he said.

The thing that bothers me about it is that if I saw Lee Ziemba in Chick Fil A I would have called people and been all excited and probably gotten his autograph...

Hmmm...in retrospect all of that might have annoyed him worse than the screaming kids...

...and then he would have tweeted about how bad my kids were being. 

I don't know. 

I'm not saying it was rude I'm just saying he had other options than tweeting about it. 


Did you know that Lee Ziemba broke the record at Auburn for most career starts?

It's true. 

Ya know how you say 'most career starts' in Italian?

La maggior parte della carriera cominciano


Isn't that beautiful?

Kinda like all those blocks he had at Auburn. 


AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I wish I spoke Italian! Everything does sound better in a foreign language :) I appreciate your comments, and obviously agree with your sentiments.

  2. Well, somebody knows passive aggressive don't they! How's that? We oughta know!!!

  3. HA! I checked out the first link and I have to say, the cleaning video was cracking me up.

  4. we got a "you're children are so well behaved" from an old lady at lunch today! i almost spit my chile con carne all over her...


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