Last night as I was walking into the YMCA a little boy asked his Dad:
"Why is the gym so crowded right now?"
The father pompously laughed and loudly said:
"Oh, don't worry. They'll all by gone by February."
Then he looked around to make sure we all knew how witty he was being.
Gee, thanks Mr "I was born disciplined" for making the rest of us feel even worse about not sticking to our New Years Resolutions.
And thanks for teaching your son to be the kind of man that kicks people when they're down.
Seems like everywhere I go people are laughing at us peons who have the audacity to try something that we've failed at in the past.
It reminds me of the scene in Bridget Jones' Diary where she tells the man that is always mean to her:
"Every time I see you, you seem to go out of your way to make me feel like a complete idiot. And you really needn't bother: I already feel like an idiot most of the time anyway"
That pretty much sums it up.
So, lay off us alright?
It's the heat that's making me crazy. I'm at the indoor pool and it's a million degrees here.
So, what have we learned tonight?
Oh yeah, that Bridget Jones would be grumpy if she had to hang out at the indoor pool.
Haha, I know the staff sees us coming in to join and they are thinking, "This guy won't last 2 weeks!"