Your Great Grandma's Knick Knacks...

Well, if you've misplaced your Great Grandma's kitschy knick knacks I think I know where you can find them.

"Stop! The kitsch is this way!"

Welcome to Rock City in Chattanooga, Tennessee.

If you've never been to Rock City it's kinda like a big rock garden area with caves and passageways and swinging bridges and waterfalls and storybook characters.

Every year at Christmastime they put lights in the trees and unleash the season on the resident gnomes and elves.

Oh, yes. 

There are elves and gnomes.

In fact, there are elves and gnomes in abundance.

And mushrooms.

Many, many mushrooms.

The whole no face thing was a little...


Speaking of creepy...

Egads, What is this?

This looks like something out of some B movie horror film.

As we walked a little on down the path all was revealed.

It was a gigantic snowman rock. 

You know nothing says 'romantic picture taking opportunity' like a gigantic snowman rock.

Yeah, I'm wearing a poncho.

As we descended farther into...

Madness? Insanity? 

...the caverns we got more and more familiar with the gnomes.

No. No. Gnomes!

Oh, you gnomes and your music.

Day Glo Paint: Aisle Six.

Inside one of the caverns there was a huge room dedicated to all the storybook characters with scenes from each book.

Hansel and Gretel. 

The creepiest of all fairy tales.

Well, except for Rumplestiltskin. 

And the Pied Piper.

And pretty much any Grimm's Fairy Tale.

Um...What is this fairy tale?

What are these two children doing to this poor kitten?



It's odd.

And kitschy.

And perfectly placed at Rock City.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I hate gnomes. They are weird. And their name is weird. No normal word is spelled with a "g" and an "n" like that.
    And I have a feeling I might live to regret that latest blog the first time I'm caught wearing the very things I've called us moms out on. But ponchos? Totally do-able at a touristy spot like that, don't you think?

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