Skin a Cat...

So, I learned something kind of interesting the other day.

Wait! Rabbit Trail!

Every time you say the word interesting do you hear Bugs Bunny saying "Monsters are such interesting people" in your head. 

I do.

What a great cartoon...

The thing I love about Bugs Bunny is that it makes my Dad laugh.

My Dad isn't surly but he isn't super boisterous either.

It takes a little more to make him laugh out loud than most people.

Bugs Bunny does it though.

"Back off. I'm laughing"


 Back to the interesting thing I learned.

So, according to a 'Stuff You Should Know' podcast the phrase:

'There's more than one way to skin a cat'

actually has nothing to do with cats.

Which is good because, ya know...

...why would you need to skin a cat?

What it's actually referring to is skinning catfish.

Crazy, huh.

So, there ya go.

It makes me think of what gets on my last nerve.

That would be opinionated people.

This gentlemen was in England at Speaker's Corner in Hyde Park in London. 

On Sundays anyone that wants to can climb up on their soap box (they literally use soap boxes) and try to convince anyone that's listening of their point of view. 

This particular character was trying to convince people that everyone needed to speak Esperanto and nothing else.

Apparently, it's some sort of language that's easy to learn and one world and the Bahai faith and blah, blah, blah.

Dang it, people!

Why are you making me use Wikipedia?

I can't remember what it was.

It was 1995 people!

Okay, according to Wikipedia Esperanto is a constructed language that is derived from multiple languages.

The day we went to Hyde Park was pretty great.

Some of us dressed up and went to Westminster Abbey to church.

Some of us went to tour Wimbledon:


That's not Wimbledon but that was the group that went to Wimbledon.

And some of the bad kids went to Covent Gardens and discussed whether or not we should get tattoos one day. 

And that's not actually Covent Gardens. 

That's Camp Skyline in Mentone, Alabama.

Pretty much the exact opposite of London. 

But those are the two people that went to Covent Gardens.

Blast it!

What is this blog supposed to be about?

Oh, yeah. 

Opinionated people.

So what annoys me about opinionated people is that they assume there is only one way to skin a cat. 

There are lots of ways to skin cats. 

But remember, not real cats. 

Cuz' that would be gross.

That's just my opinion though. 

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Ok great blog tonight but one line and a rabbit trail? That's quick even for you Jane Random!

  2. The blogs are definitely getting shorter. You know as the days get longer the blogs get shorter. I'll work on it.

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