You Don't Say No To a Magical Moment...

Let me just start this post off by saying that the eight year old hates to be the center of attention. 

I mean, he seriously hates it. 

When other kids are requesting clowns and pony rides for their birthday parties he is requesting to just hang out with his cousins.

He doesn't want to sing in public, or talk in front of an audience, or really do anything that would make people look at him.

Let's contrast this with his six year old brother that recently told me:

"Hey Mom, When I'm grown up I'm going to ride in limos and live in Hollywood."

He was also upset when he found out that kids could be famous and he wasn't.



One morning at the Magic Kingdom as we waited for the gates to open we were approached by a cast member and asked if we would like to be the 'official greeters' for the opening of the park that day.

Disney is always making these 'magical moments' happen.

Being the official greeters would entail the following:

Getting to go into the park before it opened, wearing greeter buttons and using the big Mickey gloves to wave to people as they walked in. 

Three of the four of us immediatly said yes. 

The fourth?

Not so much.

"I'm gonna have to do what?"

The Mickey hands were awesome, though. 

They kinda make you feel like a super hero. 

Or like a fighter because this immediately happened:

And then this had to happen:

"Stop! In the name of Mickey!"

It all worked out in the end. 

We took a ride on the firetruck at Main Street and actually acidentally missed the opening of the park. 

Thank goodness or otherwise he would have had to endure the cruelty that would have been standing and waving to people. 

Oh, the humanity.

How could he have ever overcome such trauma?

I'm not sure where all this shyness comes from. 

Neither me nor his father...

Dang it!

 I'm visualizing my Mom getting on to me right now about the grammar in that last sentence. 

Neither him nor me?

Neither of his parents?

Neither of us?

Neither his father or I?

Oh, good grief....

Billy and I aren't shy so we aren't sure how he turned out so shy.

Oh, well. 

The point is you don't turn down the chance for a magical moment.*

Am I right, minions?

"You're always right, Mom!"

"That's not what we said."

Oh, be quiet.

I'm thinking about my magical moment.


*You also don't turn down the chance to compete in an apple pie eating contest but that's a blog for another day.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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