Yam It...

Let's take a little break from the madness and delight that is Disney World and go to something a little more mundane. 

Yes, mundane.

Let's look at the definition in Google's dictionary because it will be important later on. 


1) Lacking interest or excitement, dull


2) Of this earthly world rather than a heavenly or spiritual one.

So, let's talk about something that is sometimes accused of being mundane:

Real Life.

Billy spent the weekend at the Auburn versus Georgia game. While he was there he saw something pretty funny.

And it wasn't the final score of the game because there was nothing funny about that...

It was this sign outside the Presbyterian Student Center:

It says:


That's a nice sentiment.

Unfortunately the message might have been negated by the sign that was beside it.


So much for mercy, huh?!

Oh, don't think I'm criticizing them for it.

Believe me, I have zero room to look twice at anyone else's moral sentiments.

Especially today.


This morning the two year old got frustrated and said...

"Yam it!"

Yep...yam it.

As in, she has heard me say something else that sounds like 'yam it' when I'm frustrated.


But really....

This same thing happened when the oldest was her age and the word he said was "uck" so really I think I'm clearly getting better.


I mean 'uck' to 'yam it' should really be considered progressive sanctification!

Shouldn't it?

Clearly I'm growing in my spirituality!

Or at least growing in my ability to control my tongue...

...if not my yams.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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