This Week in Weird Animals


I'm kind of thinking that 'This Week in Weird Animals' should be an official weekly post.

I say that because almost every day some sort of reference to animals leads people to my blog. 

It's true. 

People are not scared to type in 'weird animals', 'ugly animals', or 'strange animals' into google and find themselves at my blog.


Now I kinda feel bad for being mean to the poor strange looking animals I find.

Oh, well.

On to the story then...

Last week in Disney World we saw some truly odd animals at Animal Kingdom.

Like this one:

You're gonna need to look hard because it's not actually an animal. 

It's not a plant either, though.

It's a woman dressed up like a...


I think. 

All I know is that it was crazy and deserves to be included. 

She was on stilts and could do some pretty amazing things while on those stilts.

It was all very impressive.

And what about these weird animals?

No, not those animals. 

Although they can be weird.

These guys:

Lets Wikipedia shall we?

Apparently, they are called Ankole Cattle and they hail from Africa. 

You'd think those horns would be really heavy but they aren't. 

That's because they are honeycombed and filled with blood vessels. 

The horns help cool them off in the hot weather.

Ew...Now it sounds kinda gross.

Honeycombs and blood vessels.

None the less they are really cool looking. 

Ya know like this guy:

I mean, if that's not 'cool' then I don't know what is.

This guy may know:

"Leave me outta this..."
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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