They are angry little beasts!
Who knew?
We found out the hard way today at Scott's Apple Orchard in Hazel Green.
We found out the hard way today at Scott's Apple Orchard in Hazel Green.
Which, by the way, you should definitely visit in the Fall!
I mean...chestnuts.
You hear the Nat King Cole song at Christmas and they sound so dang peaceful.
In reality though they are bad news!
In reality though they are bad news!
This, my friends, is a chestnut.
Inside that bristly shell is the actual nut that is supposed to roast on an open fire.
Or whatever that song says.
This afternoon the toddler fell into a pile of them.
This pile to be exact.
Who leaves a pile of these just laying around?
You wouldn't just leave a pile of nails laying around would you?!
Stinking nature!
And they blend in so well.
They're like chameleons, I tell you!
Well, let me just say that when a toddler face plants into chestnuts happiness does not ensue.
This is, in fact, what does ensue.
Not so surprisingly the youngest does not like having splinters pulled out of her knees and hands.
In fact, she is completely against it.
So, Mr Cole...
What do you have to say for yourself?