Night Games...

This week the news came out that there wouldn't be any night football games in Tiger Stadium in Baton Rouge this year. 

What a bummer for LSU. 

And for me. 

We planned a Halloween party for the afternoon of the Auburn/LSU game . When they set the time for 2:30 instead of 6:30 I was shocked. Now we look like the big jerks that are dragging you away from your television to come to a stinkin' party.

My bad.

I do love night games though.



For one thing, you don't have to wake up early for night games.

Here's a picture from a couple years ago when we were trying to make it to Auburn in our old RV for a 2:30 kickoff. 

4:30 AM

He was smiling but I wasn't.

So, no waking up at Zero Dark Thirty to head to the Plains this month. 

That's a big positive. 

Here are a few other reasons I love night games:

Number one: 

The sunset over the stadium. 

It's just pretty. 

You should probably pin it. 

Number two:

The glee and elation the kids feel when they realize they don't have to go to bed on time. 

The joy of seeming them play hooky from their bedtimes with their cousins is pretty priceless. Last year the six year walked up to me and grumpily said 'shouldn't I, like, be in bed now?' I looked at the clock and realized it was 11. Whoops, my bad, kid.

Number three: 

Post win celebrations. 

Everyone loves Toomer's Corner. 

Well, everyone except Harvey Updyke. 


I mean He Who Should Not Be Named. 

Moving along... 

The thing I like most about Auburn night games is:

Aubie wears pajamas. 

Now THAT is pretty priceless.

I titled this blog "Night Games."

This, of course, makes me thing of the Bob Seger song "Night Moves"

Rolling Stone Magazine voted "Night Moves"  Song of the Year in 1977. 


There is your music trivia for the night. 

Just think on the blog tonight you got to see a picture of Aubie in PJ's and you got to learn a little music lore. 

Well, aren't you lucky. 

Maybe not as lucky as kids that get to stay up past their bedtimes but you get my drift. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Warrr Eagle!
    I love Auburn sunsets- my husband and I use to chase them to find the best picture spot.

  2. I love night games, too! Was it a night game when the whatever building burned?

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