Mwah, Ha, Ha...

Mwah, Ha, Ha!!!!


Eat the mud!

Experience the mud!

What does he see in the mud?

Why does he love the mud so much?

Oh, mud.

It is pretty great.

Ya know what else is muddy?

The design of this blog.

It's suffering from...

Schizophrenia or some such. 

I just can't decide what I want it to look like.

I'm sorry.

I know I need to choose a look and stick to it but I just can't yet. 

Oh! Oh!

I do need to tell you that if you're having trouble reading the posts you can switch it to the 'classic' mode by moving your cursor in to the upper left hand side and clicking 'classic'.

Or you could just read a blog that's way better than mine.

Preferably one that's not about mud.

Even though the mud is nice sometimes.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. The new design system outwitted me for quite some time, until I figured out how to do classic mode. It shows nothing but pictures when you start it up, so I couldn't see this post until after I'd already selected classic. Just glad I can comment. I thought I was going to have to abandon ship for a while there.

  2. I'm going to have to go back to my boring original design. I'll switch back to dynamic after they have worked out some of the bugs.

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