Don't Wikipedia it...

Tonight the as the boys brushed their teeth they casually called out to me:

Mom, There's a slug on the toilet.

A what?

A what is on the toilet?

I walked into the bathroom and sure enough...

There was a slug on the toilet. 

A slug!

Look at his little antennae! 


They are actually kind of cute. 

I made the mistake of picking him up to take him outside and it was...

Well, it was pretty gross.

Crazy gooey. 


Gluey gooey.

What if someone had sat down on the toilet without looking first?

Let's add that to our list of life rules, okay?

Always check toilet before sitting down - even in your own home.

The boy's bathroom is a good ten feet from the door that leads outside so this poor slug had a quite a little adventure.

At least we don't have any Norwegian wood rats. 


The Norwegian wood rat was recently brought to my attention as a particularly foul creature. 

I didn't know exactly what a Norwegian wood rat was so I busted out Wikipedia.

Wikipedia had this handy little chart concerning the rat:

As you can see the scientific community lists this particular rat as of "least concern" for extinction. 

So feel free to hate with wild abandon. 

Isn't Wikipedia great?

So many great pictures and charts.

I will warn you though you probably shouldn't Wikipedia the word slug.


Well, it actually has a picture of slugs mating and can I just say...

Kids, it's some weird stuff.

Science Fiction weird.

You know what would be really useful?

If Wikipedia would come check my toilets for slugs every night. 

Is that too much to ask?

Come on Wikipedia! 

Make yourself useful.



Thanks for nothing Wikipedia.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Classic difference between boys and girls. Your boys "casually" mention to you the slug situation. My girls would be running out of the house shrieking for rescue. You're a great mom to picked that thing up?!

  2. Love, love, love the new blog background and header photos! And I don't love slugs. The end.

  3. Slugs are not my favorite, but I've recently taken a new interest in snails after reading The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating . . .

    p. s. Thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Hmmm...What is the sound of a wild snail eating???

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