Put upon...

My minions think that their little sister is very put upon.

And what makes her so put upon you ask?

Is it her early bedtime?


Is it the fact that she has to hang out in the baby pool?


Is it that she can't go to the movies?

Not even that. 

It's this:

The fact that we haven't bought her the "Your Baby Can Read" system.

And yes, I'm serious.

Here's the deal:

My minions are total suckers for anything that is "as seen on TV"


For months now they have been begging - BEGGING - me to buy 'Your Baby Can Read.'

So, tonight when we were walking through Wal-Mart and saw it on the shelves they went nuts. 

They began to dance in the aisles and insist it was fate that we saw it. 

"But Mom, they insisted, she would be so happy if she could learn to read!"

Stella grabbed the case and looked at it. 

She liked the baby on the cover. 

And yet...

I remained immune to their pleas to buy it. 

Here's the deal:

The more time I spent teaching a two year old to 'read' the less time I actually have to read so...


So: forget that. 

She can learn to read when everyone else does. 

I'd elaborate but I'm kinda in the mood to go read now.

AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


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