Push the Dang Button...

One day we'll probably laugh about this.

Tonight, though...

Not so much.

See, this afternoon...

No, really the story should start with 'this morning.'


This morning Billy noticed that I had both sets of my car keys in my car so, being the uber responsible one, he casually said:

"You probably shouldn't have both sets of keys in the car. Why don't you go on and take one out."

Of course, I shouldn't have both sets of keys in the car. Anyone would know that's a bad idea.

But did I take one out?

Of course not. 

I said I would but then I got distracted and forgot.

Which, can I just say, is kind of the story of my life.

So, this afternoon I went downstairs and noticed that the door to the garage was open even though I knew I had locked it.


And what was going on in the garage?

Oh, just this:

The toddler was locked in the car with both sets of keys.

It was at this point that we commenced on a relentless campaign to teach her how to unlock the doors.

We begged.

We pleaded.

We cajoled.

Mostly we just said asinine things like:

Touch the silver button!

Unlock the door!

Press UP on the lock! 


Billy got home and after some "I told you so" looks he got in on the action.

The problem was she knew how to lock the doors...

Well, obviously.

...but she couldn't figure out how to press up to unlock instead of down to lock.

Sheesh, check out the low ride shorts my 6 year old is sporting. How about pulling those suckers up, kid.

I can only imagine what we looked like trying to make her understand how to unlock the car.

Oh, it's all fun and games 'til the baby gets stuck for AN HOUR in the car.

Seriously, an hour!

She held it together for the most part.

Finally, Billy had the brilliant idea to have her kick the button. 

That way it was bound to unlock the door instead of lock it.

It worked.

I mean...

One minute you're taking pictures of bumper stickers you hate:

And the next minute you are forgetting to take your spare keys out of the car.

"Well behaved women rarely make history."


What's so wrong with behaving?

And maybe I don't want to make history!

Maybe I just want to be able to go through a day where the blasted toddler doesn't get locked in the car.

And please behave.

And you should probably teach your two year olds how to push up on the lock button.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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