Dynamite Waffles...

Before football games last year in Auburn...

and probably in every other stadium in the country

...they played the song "Dynamite" by Taio Cruz.

The kids heard in it so much that they memorized the chorus and began singing it at home and in the car and while they were brushing their teeth and when I was tucking them in at bedtime and pretty much in all points in between.

It is pretty dang catchy.


I realized that the lyrics weren't exactly being appreciated by the minions like they were supposed to be.


Here are the actual lyrics to the chorus of Dynamite:

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying AYO!
Gotta let go!
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying AYO!
Baby, let's go!

Easy enough right?

I knew they weren't quite getting it though when this happened:

"Why is that guy singin' about waffles?"


Me: Why do you think he is singing about waffles?

Him: "Cuz' he keeps singing "Saying Eggo, Baby, let's go."

Oh, my. 



No, sweetie. He isn't actually singing about waffles.

So, have you heard the unplugged version of Dynamite?

It's actually pretty fantastic.

Hold up! 

Did you know he was British?

It's true.

At least according to Wikipedia he's British.

Well, haven't we learned a lot tonight?

My middle child thinks about Eggo waffles a lot and Taio Cruz is British.

You can thank me later.

Preferably with a waffle.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I do admit I have a fondness for that song, and yes, I knew Taio was British... have you ever heard him speak? He has all of these powerful, sexual songs... and when he speaks... he sounds like a gay, mousy Brit. Seriously. Listen to the man speak. It's shocking.

  2. So, it's kinda like Mike Tyson - just without the British. Because if we are talking about dudes that don't sound as tough as they look I would put him at number 1 on the list.

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