Yeah, it's kind of a rockstar job.
This week he had a customer in town from Chile.
As luck would have it this particular customer spoke NO ENGLISH.
Nary a word.
So, now you can see why I labeled this post 'Google Translate.'
In preparation for Manuel - that's the Chilean customer's name - Billy downloaded the google translation app.
We sat around the other night and played with it.
So you pull up the app and then you speak into the phone whatever phrase or word you want translated and it translates it for you.
At least that's the way it's supposed to work.
We had way too much fun playing with it.
Seriously, we need to get out more.
Of course we started out translating the obligatory:
How are you?
How was your flight?
And then it started to get a little dicey.
It was late. What can I say?
What's this look you ask?
It's the look he gave when he realized the app keeps a history file of what it's been asked to translate.
That's probably enough said about that.
And whats this?
It's what Google Translate thinks that my sneeze sounded like.
Yep, I sneezed and it translated it as 'repentino' which apparently means sudden.
I guess my sneeze was sudden.
And we definitely needed to do some repenting about some of those phrases we were translating.
Good thing tomorrow's Sunday.