The box...

The eight year old loves to go to the local comic book store in Huntsville. 

It's called The Deep.

I'm new to the whole comic book store scene. 

The store has been there for 15 years now though so they must be doing something right. People go there to buy comic books and to play these role playing games. Magic and the like.

I have no idea how they make money because comics are pretty dang cheap and isn't Magic free to play? It's a mystery.

But comic books and boys seem to go hand in hand so I figure I'd better get familiar with it. 


Here's the deal:

Of course you can go to the store, pick out a comic book, and then buy it but where is the fun in that? The cool thing to do, according to the eight year old, is to get a 'box.' You fill out paperwork that tells the store what comics you want to buy and then as they come in they put them in your box. Then when you come in your box is waiting for you full of comics.

Here he is filling out his paperwork to get his comic.

Other paperwork he has filled out recently:

A paragraph with clues about who he is for us to pick out which desk was his on parents night. 

Note that he has let us know that:

1) His second favorite restaurant is Logans. 

Not sure why he chose to put his second favorite restaurant in the paragraph but there ya go. 

2) Also note that his second favorite book series is Harry Potter. 

We are half way through the first book. 

You know you kinda have to feel jealous of British kids. They get to hear their bedtime stories read to them in British accents. Harry Potter just has to be better in a British accent.  

Alas, the perils of growing up in Alabama. You have to have your bedtime stories read to you in a Southern accent. That was a perk for Tom Sawyer and Huck Finn.  Not so much of a perk for Peter Pan and Harry Potter.

Oh, well. He'll have to use his imagination. 

Comic books should help with that. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. The eight year old and I have a lot in common. Which, I'm not sure how I feel about... (the comic books, which I have waiting for me when I stop in, Harry Potter, etc...)

  2. Well, as long as your Mom isn't still having to remind you to brush your teeth your probably okay...

  3. Beware, the Comic Book expenses add up fast, especially with "A Box" My husband had a box at The Deep and he kept adding more and more until he just had to quit and go into withdrawls. His boxes of comics are currently sitting in his closet.

  4. The folks at The Deep are pretty nice, I must say. Though, I do wonder which is the more expensive habit - the cardboard crack that is Magic or the paper crack of comic books. Since I live with a Magic addict who plays every Friday night at The Deep, I'm leaning toward that. But, he does credit playing Magic with learning Civil Procedure and doing well on the LSAT to get him into a good law school, so as long as he can pay for his habit, I'll let it slide for now.

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