At about this point in the summer I start getting a little nervous about school starting.
Here's the problem:
It's eight in the morning and this door?
It's eight in the morning and this door?
It's shut because that baby isn't awake yet.
They aren't awake yet either.
And yes, that's my bed they are in.
We always said:
"Well, as long as they go down easy it's fine for them to occasionally crawl in with us."
I think they are on to us now.
We hear the tiny pitter patter of little feet outside our bedroom now and frantic whispers:
"Do you think they're asleep yet?"
"You go in first!"
"You go in first!"
Yep, it's 8:20 and I still got no kids up yet.
Oh, but...
School is coming.
Around this time I start hearing the drums...
Like the drums outside the Alamo.
Remember the story from the Texas Revolution?
Santa Anna, the Mexican General, had pursued the Texan soldiers right to the gates of the Alamo mission. *
The Texans call for reinforcements and hope that help will arrive quickly...
They last through twelve days and then realize that no help is coming. Early the next morning the Texans hear drums beating outside the Alamo. It was the Mexican army beating their death drums.
Slowly and surely the drums beat all through the early morning hours.The drums were meant to intimidate and frighten and they were a warning that Santa Ana and his men were going to attack soon...
When the drums stopped the Mexicans attacked.
So, remember the Alamo and all that.
The death drums...
Yep, that's what I'm hearing.
The death of sleeping late.
The death of no homework.
Like the drums outside the Alamo.
Remember the story from the Texas Revolution?
Santa Anna, the Mexican General, had pursued the Texan soldiers right to the gates of the Alamo mission. *
The Texans call for reinforcements and hope that help will arrive quickly...
They last through twelve days and then realize that no help is coming. Early the next morning the Texans hear drums beating outside the Alamo. It was the Mexican army beating their death drums.
Slowly and surely the drums beat all through the early morning hours.The drums were meant to intimidate and frighten and they were a warning that Santa Ana and his men were going to attack soon...
When the drums stopped the Mexicans attacked.
So, remember the Alamo and all that.
The death drums...
Yep, that's what I'm hearing.
The death of sleeping late.
The death of no homework.
Why can't school be two months and summer be ten months?
On the flip side lots of fun stuff happens in the Fall.
Like this:
On the flip side lots of fun stuff happens in the Fall.
Like this:
Football Games.
And then the accompaniment to all football games:
Sore feet.
Well...other fun Fall stuff:
Sweet potato pickin' time.
Which leads us to the Sweet Tater Festival and the subsequent:
'I've never been hotter than this moment' meltdown at the Sweet Tater Festival:
"Mother Dear, I must accept shade wherever I can find it."
Yep...however you shake's July 9th and school starts in a month and a day.
The drums...they are a beating.
* At least I think that's what happened. I don't have time to google it because it's date night so I'm having to work off my what's a little historical inaccuracy every now and then?