Things You Find at Thrift Stores

 I'm always hearing people talk about their great 'finds' at Thrift Stores.

Me, not so much. 

Every time I go to a thrift store I find things like:

1) Mismatched glasses

2) Broken Toys


3) Clothes with holes in them.

Lets face it, if I wanted to find mismatched glasses, broken toys and torn clothes I'd just go to my house.

Today though I found something...odd.

Yes, odd is really the only word for it. 

Apparently, it's:

The All American Corn Dog & Twinkie Kit.

Thank goodness I found it. 

I mean, I have really been worried about my lack of ability to make corn dogs and fried Twinkies at the same time.

I like that they put "All American" on it. 

Well, obviously it's 'All American.'

What other nation would produce something so fantastically horrifying. 

I'm okay with corn dogs.

I'm even okay with Fried Twinkies.

What I'm not okay with is them ever being cooked anywhere near each other.

Is it that way at the fair? 

Do they cook them in the same batch of oil?

I don't think I want to know the answer.

I think I'll stick to the mismatched glasses, broken toys and clothes with holes in them.

The devil you know and all that.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. What, you didn't want to buy this kit??

    And you need to be open-minded about clothes with holes in them. They might be quite nice torn up and sewed into a quilt or knitted into a scarf or something. Think of the possibilities of a hole-y wedding dress!

  2. Laura, I think where you are going wrong with this comment is by assuming I could sew...

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