Things I find perplexing tonight...

Let's take a ride on the 'this is perplexing' bus, shall we?

Thing the first:

Our local shopping mall has a photo booth. 

Here it is in all it's glory:

Remember these booths?

You'd pile in with friends and hit the button and usually take a series of notoriously bad pictures.

Well, on the side of this particular booth is this picture:

At first glance the picture looks normal but look closer.

In fact, look at the girl in the white.

I'm not sure if you can see it but her eyes are totally red!

You would think that at some point between design and manufacturing someone would have noticed that and fixed this poor girl's eyes.

It's perplexing. 

Ya know what else is perplexing?

The fact that our Junior Prom had an Elvis theme. 


It was called "Evening in Graceland."

My friends Betsy and Grace at the Junior Prom. 

Oh...the horror of the Junior Prom...

Let's take a little rabbit trail.

My boyfriend and I had broken up a few weeks before the junior prom. 

My friends convinced me to take a boy that was a year younger than me.

Their exact words: "Well, sure he's younger than us but look at him! So gorgeous! Just think how great the pictures will look!"

So, we went together and it was a pretty miserable night. 

It wasn't his fault. 

I just wasn't over my ex boyfriend.

I had to ask the guy, which was just embarrassing, and then suffer through my ex-boyfriend taking a senior.

All for the hope that the pictures would look great. 

And then...

We got the pictures back and it was true - they were great. 

Unfortunately, I promptly lost them.

They were in my backpack and then they were just gone. 

No clue where they went. 

All that work...all that cute boyness...and now no pictures to show for it. 

Oh well, bygones.

This also ranks up there on the perplexing scale:

My boy's role in this little monstrosity. 

I'm not sure which boy introduced her to the twenty five cent 'Bubba' teeth but she sure likes them.

And then there is this:


Help me out here...

What's perplexing about this picture?

I intentionally took it to make a 'perplexing things' blog and now it looks totally normal.

Let's move along shall we?

Oh my. 

This blog has gone downhill fast. 

Perplexingly fast. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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