Some days are just so dang hot that you have to head to the woods...
It always feels cooler in the woods.
When I was a little girl I was convinced that the hollowed out part of this tree:
Was a portal to a secret land.
If only I could figure out a way to crawl up in it.
I just knew there were fairies inside.
I probably read way too much fantasy.
Maybe I saw Legend too many times.
I know I saw Willow too many times.
And Krull.
And Beastmaster.
Man. There were some bad movies made in the eighties.
Since the days of believing Narnia lay inside the tree...
Every time I walk by part of me thinks:
"Maybe it IS a portal"
and another part of me thinks:
"I can't believe I never got tall enough to see what was inside that tree."
The biggest part of me though thinks:
"Why didn't I just ask Dad to boost me up so I could see inside?"
Today though, I realized if I stood up on my tip toes I could aim my cell phone inside the tree and take a picture of what was in there.
The result:
Sticks, dirt and what looks to be a circa 1983 Skor Bar wrapper.
I kinda wish I hadn't looked.
Oh well.
I still like the movie Willow.
Today though...
Even the woods didn't relieve the heat that much.
Especially when this happened:
Blasted pinecones kept getting stuck in the stroller wheel.
Holy Moly!
That's a cute foot.
Ya know what wasn't cute:
These remains we found.
Looks like it was a...
Well, it was obviously a....
Oh, who knows?
It had bones and feathers.
That's all I got.
Seriously, readers sometimes it's so dang hot that the only thing to do is find a Tonka truck and sit down:
"Whew, Mom! I gotta take a load off."
"There. That's better"