Crying in the corner with a stuffed elephant...


...No, not that whiny song by the Beatles...

Imagine, me sitting in a corner holding a stuffed elephant and crying.

See, when my oldest nephew was two the entire family went skiing together.
We left the two year old in childcare because, um, well, two year olds can't ski.
 He was a little reticient about going to childcare.

Reticient - that's your big word of for the day.

So, we left him in childcare. A few hours later his Mom called childcare to check on him.
Here was the conversation:

Sister-in-law: Hi, I'm calling to check on my child. How is he doing?
Poor College Student That Misguidedely Thought Working at a Ski Resort Would Be Fun: He's fine.
Sister-in-law: Really? What is he doing?
PCSTMTWAASRWBF: Um...Well, actually he is crying in a corner holding a stuffed elephant...
Sister-in-law: So, actually not so well?
PCSTMTWAASRWBF: Um...No, not really.

That's how I feel right now.
See, I can't find my laptop.
And I'm imagining it lost and in the woods without me!
Or kidnapped!
Plus, I can't really blog without my laptop.
Because, see it has my pictures on it.

And who can come up with blog ideas without looking at pictures?

Apparently only someone way more creative that me.
And to add insult to injury this computer I'm using is a PC.
And my laptop is a MAC and I've forgotten how to use a PC.

I'm not a PC!

Hmmm...Well, actually I am because those are my initials.
So, to clarify I'm a PC who can't use a PC.
And because I have gotten addicted to blogging I can't go to bed 'til I do it.

If I have to take a sleeping pill to get to sleep tonight it's your fault, Readers!

For having to read this sorry excuse for a blog tonight I'll give you a little fact so you can sound super smart next time you are in a conversation.

Here goes:

While reading a romance novel a couple days ago...

While reading theology a couple days ago...

Whew, thats better!

While reading theology a few days ago I learned that saying "me too" is actually gramatically incorrect.

Instead, you are supposed to say "As do I."

Let's practice it shall we:

Me: "I love Wendy's french fries dipped in Frosty's!"
You: "As do I!"

Me: "I love rollerskating!"
You: "As do I"

Me: "I love reading my blog!"
You: *crickets chirping*
Me: "Hey! Where'd you go???"
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Shouldn't it be crying in a corner with a stuffed tiger? As do I.

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