

I'm at a church retreat right now at Church of the Highlands in Birmingham, Alabama.

I had never heard the pastor speak before but realized as soon as I got to the church that the pastor must be very confident in his message. 

How did I realize that he has such confidence?


It's a bit of a drive from my hometown and I immediately made a detour to the restroom as soon as I got to the church.

In the restroom I saw this:

Need a closer look?

It's hand soap.

Hand soap designed to help you sleep.

I judgement here because the soap smells fantastic...


I'm not sure hand soap designed to help you sleep is the best move for a preacher.

I mean...

Sunday morning comes early sometimes.

And I gotta say the chairs at this church...they are comfortable!

Don't worry, dear readers.

The hand soap was no match for the message.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.

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