Wow, that must have really been bad for them...

My poor sisters-in-law...

Here they are with my Mom. 

I mean I call them my sisters-in-law but really by this point I think of them as my real sisters.

See I was 10 when my brother Robbie started dating his future wife and I was 12 when my brother Joey started dating his future wife.

So, unfortunately for them they had to see me through the whole growing up process.

I'm not sure how much you know about 10 and 12 year old girls but...

Well, they can be awkward.

Awkward and annoying.


That is awkward.

My sisters-in-law had to see me at my absolute worst stages. 

They had to see me and they had to pretend they liked me. 

I shudder for them.

Poor Cassie.

I remember this one time that we went to Auburn in a motor home together - I was eleven. 

So picture it:

My parents, my brother and his girlfriend, and me. 

Cramped quarters and all that.

So Cassie was supposed to sleep on the bed over the cab because it was more comfortable. 

I mean, we are talking about an RV so as far as comfort goes its not that great to begin with. 

I was supposed to sleep on the reclining chair. 

Which should have been 100% fine!

But after Mom and Dad and Robbie went to bed I started to act super bratty.

I began to complain and complain and complain about having to sleep on the chair until she finally said:

"Fine. Take the bed."

The worst thing was she didn't even sound mad. 


And in a 'that wasn't my finest hour' moment I took the bed. 


I'm sorry, Cassie.

Awkward and annoying.

And poor Melisa. 

I've always been a little obsessed with my brothers.

So, Melisa had to deal with constant intrusions by me.  

And as soon as I got old enough to drive I started heading down to Birmingham to see them.

So, I'm thinking the conversations went something like this:

Joey: "My sister is coming again this weekend."

Melisa: "Oh, joy."

Why did I think newlyweds would want to entertain me for the weekend?

I'm sorry, Melisa.

Awkward and annoying. 

And then there was this time with the mashed potatoes...

Oh, never mind.

I could regale you with hours of stories about how blessed I am by the fact that they still speak to me. 

Why did my sisters-in-law put up with me?


To make myself feel better I present to you a really nice yearbook signature from 1995 to me from my friend Hunter. 

He was way cooler than me in high school.

All alternative and the like.

He and his friend Ryan were really nice to me when I was going through another awkward phase.

It starts out:

"Paula, You would have made a great sister...."

Usually when a guy says something like "you would have made a great sister" you wouldn't feel so complimented.

But now that I know how great sisters actually are I'll take that for the compliment it truly was. 

Dear Melisa and Cassie,

I hope I've gotten all my awkward and annoying phases out of my system.

I hope I have...

But I can't promise anything....
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Hi Paula. What's with the mashed potatoes? You can't leave people hanging like that!

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