Watership Down...

This kid who hates...

and I mean HATES...


thinks it is hilarious when her brother sprays her with the hose:

Whats the deal?

When I gently pour water on her head while murmuring sweet things to her in the bath, she acts like I'm 'Mommy Dearest' but this for some reason is just fine:

It's great, even.


You should totally get a Dad that knows how to make see-saws.

I highly recommend it. 

Because my minions LOVE their see-saw.

They love it even when they're wet and grassy.

So far the see-saw has been:

A) A see-saw
B) A double rocket
C) A racetrack for matchbox cars
D) a Ninja launcher.

So, we think its a see-saw but apparently it's all kind of things. 

Along those same lines...

I was behind the treehouse the other day when I saw this:


It looked just like a little bunny tail. 

I kind of freaked out because I thought:

Dang it.

 I'm the only grown up around. 

I'm going to have to dispose of this grossness.

I was envisioning how this poor bunny lost his tail. 

They weren't pretty thoughts.

They were Watership Down kinda thoughts

Dead things freak me out. 

Especially dead bunnies. 

There is a reason why but  it's a blog for another time.

So as I sat there looking at it...

Freaking out about it...

I suddenly remembered this:

It's Stella's sweater we borrowed from my friend Liz.

It has two little puff balls on it. 

Except now it only has one little puff ball because...

Well, because apparently one fell off and then lay in wait for me.

It lay in wait deviously thinking of the day when it would show itself and scare the business out of me. 

Foiled by a sweater.

I have no idea what this sordid bunny tale has to do with water hoses and see-saws.

It made sense at the time. 

I think I'll go put on a sweater. 

But not one with little puff balls on it lest something unfortunate happen.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. The bathtime thing isn't likely to change anytime soon. Allison still hates taking a shower until she is in there. Then we have to work to get her out.

  2. Anne, So true. Good thing they only have to take one once a week. Hahaha.

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