So I'm totally exhaustified.
Yes, yes. I know it's not a real word.
I'd love to say I'm so tired because I've been working so hard but really its just because I took some Nyquil.
Its my dang cousin's fault.
She had a caffeinated drink at dinner and if she gets to have one at dinner so do I.
So there.
Unfortunately it led to some 'I'm wired' issues.
And not 'wired' as in I own a laptop and an iPhone but 'wired' as in can't sleep.
I'm overexplaining.
It's the wiredness.
And yes, I know that's not a word either.
So I think I'll do a quick blog on unexpected things.
Unexpected thing number one:
My Grandmother used to have a Maxima.
That was back in 1987.
Well, 1987ish.
So the back seat had a secret compartment that would fold down and allow you to put long things in the trunk.
You know, good for fishing poles etc.
My Grand mom wasn't much of a fisher but there was one long thing that she would put in the trunk many times.
It was this thing:
My cousin Rusty.
For some reason he really liked to get in the trunk, pop down the back and promptly fall asleep.
That was unexpected.
Unexpected thing number two:
Its the After School Specials from 1979 - 1994.
It's on DVD.
At the library.
So...does anyone ever check these out?
I mean...I don't think I've ever had thought:
"Gee, if only I could watch that after school special on drinking and driving again. Then I would be happy."
It was unexpected.
Unexpected thing number three.
This dang ant that keeps crawling on my computer screen.
I've tried to smoosh him twice but he is very tricky for an ant.
Unexpected thing number four:
Vintage books at the library.
So this is the 1969 copy of the Tasha Tudor book "A Tale for Easter" at the library. If I was an unscrupulous person I could check this book out say I lost it and pay the meager fee for it and then sell it on Ebay. The going rate for this particular book is $25.
I've wondered before why libraries don't sell their copies of expensive books and buy the cheaper versions. This is a good example. You can get a new "Tale for Easter" for $5 on Amazon.
Doesn't the library need that extra $20.
It's unexpected.
Not so unexpectedly the Nyquil is now kicking in.
Maybe someone should do an After School Special on abusing Nyquil...