Boxing up...

So the word on the street is that we are moving. 

Because of that I spent the day boxing up things. 

Specifically books:

We've got a problem at out house. 

It's a book problem. 

It's a heavy book problem. 

It's a too many books problem.

It takes me a long time to box up books.

That's because it's easy to get distracted while boxing up books.

This thing doesn't help:

She wants to sit in the boxes. 

And she wants to take the books I've put in the boxes out of the boxes. 

And she wants to bring me the books. 


It's not always her fault. 

I get distracted because I look at the books. 

It's why I could never work in a bookstore. 

Here's one of the books I get distracted by:

I love it. 

It's one of my favorites. 

So romantic and I'm not even a romantic. 

This one though...

it's one of the heavy books. 

Its going in the give away pile. 

Don't feel bad for it. 

It's going to go live with someone else.

Someone who can deal with the heaviness. 

Its thick and I...

Oh, look...

it's my foot. 


I'm sorry. 


Back to Jane Austen.

I already own way to many copies of each of those Austen books. 

While I'm on the subject of Jane Austen though...

Why haven't you read Pride and Prejudice?

Its just...well...its just fantastic. 

So read it already!

This also distracts me:

It's Huckleberry Finn. 

I read the oldest minion Tom Sawyer over the summer. 

He loved it. 

I loved it. 

We kinda had a thing over it. 

A good thing. 

But Huckleberry Finn....

The language in it is just atrocious. 

But I want to read it to him. 

I want to read it to him before he stops wanting me to read to him. 

So...its a quandary. 

A dilemma. 

Pictures that fall out of books also distract me. 

Like this one:

What was my hair doing?

And what was up with the tennis shoes with the dress?

I look like an office worker on her lunch break getting a few laps around the track in. 

Back to the books.

You know I'm really quite the intellectual. 

Really, it's true. 

I mean my reading material is all like this Ben Franklin book:

Yep, that is the only kind of book I read. 

What's that you say?

You want to see the book behind the Ben Franklin book?

Oh, just ignore that.

I think someone must have left it at my house...

I'll tell you what else was distracting.


It's a woodpecker!

I'm not a bird specialist like my cousin Kathryn but I know it's a woodpecker because - well, it pecks!

Seriously, it sounds like a machine gun!

For the past few days its been obsessed with the windows in our garage. 

Its actually really pretty. 

I feel kind of bad for it. 

It must be sick or confused. 

Why else would it peck at my glass windows?

Here is an action shot of it:

So fly away bird. 

And take some books with you.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. Girl, I have the same problem. It is like a rash. It keeps spreading! When we were in NYC this past weekend, a Borders was having a going out of business (80 %) offsale. Needless to say, I bought as much as I could fit in the suitcase and carry1

  2. Paula, you're hilarilous. I'm currently listening to The Count of Monte Cristo while I run and ride - what do you think of that book? I bet it's a heavy one!! :-)

  3. Thanks Cindy! It is a heavy one! Its also pretty sad. I loved Dumas' other stuff - Quenn Margot especially.

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