So by this point in Alabama pretty much everyone is ready to see the last of Winter.
I certainly am.
Everyone has their own reasons for wanting winter to be over.
Here are five of mine...
Reason, the first:
This is now honestly what my glove collection consists of:
"Oh where, oh where, are my matches?"
Number two:
We are kind of running out of things to do indoors:
Number three:
I'm ready to break these bad boys out again:
Number four:
Even my avatar thinks I'm spending to much time online:
Number five:
The kids are watching too much tv:
So that's why I'm ready for summer to come home.
Summer is my favorite season but here are two things that I am NOT looking forward to:
1) Snakes...
2) Stinky Kid Feet.
Dearest Reader,
Aren't you so glad you checked my blog today?
Yes, I'm glad I checked your blog!! I just told kids to bundle up and get outside. It is 42 degrees and I don't want to go out, but they need to play outside!! Do as I say, not as I do!