Saturday, February 19, 2011

I want to join the circus...

Dear Reader,

You'll no longer be able to read my blog because I'm planning on running off to New Orleans and joining the Bohemian jazz circus. 


See we are in New Orleans and there are these roving Bohemians everywhere you look. 

They ride really cool old school bicycles...

They have these clothes..

Some of them have joined together and formed jazz bands.

Jazz bands with names like the Smoking Time Jazz Club...

I'm a little obsessed 

They are all so stinkin' cool!

I wasn't even this cool in high school.


Thats too much denim to be cool.

How did I miss the cool?

They've got it:

They can also dance.

I can't dance. 

I can't even do the electric slide. 

Ya know who can dance?

My cousin Kathy. 

Girl is a phenomenal dancer. 

Ya know who else?




So these characters:

They play music for money. 

And they all look so dang happy. 

So from now on its the Bohemian jazz life for me. 

Its clear that they are missing someone of my musical and theatrical caliber. 

So thats it. 

Hello NOLA. 

I'm your newest citizen.

"Bohemian jazz circus, huh?"


Maybe next year. 

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