Fess up...

So we've been eating at home more often...

Don't be impressed. 

Its ridiculous how often we eat out. 

It's just embarrassing. 

But now we are trying to amend our wicked ways and eat in. 

Which is good since it makes eating out a treat. 

We upped the ante Friday night by saying it was 'Family Outing Night" and let Minion Two choose a location. 

"Hooray! I get to choose!"

So of course Billy and I cross our fingers and say "not Cici's Pizza, not Cici's Pizza" when he trumps us by announcing "Chuck E Cheese."

We should have seen it coming. 

So this is the first time for the youngest Minion to visit that delightful place. 

Wait! Rabbit Trail! 

When I was a little girl I wanted to own a Showbiz Pizza Parlor. 

Showbiz was the precursor to Chuck E Cheese. 

Here I am riding to my pretend Showbiz Pizza. 

Hairbrush much?

Apparently not. 

Anyway...back to Chuck E Cheese. 

So it was the toddler's first trip. 

I'm not sure what happened but every picture I took of her shows a baby that looks completely inebriated. 

The evidence:


"How you doin?"

She and the E-Trade baby are tight. 

"Hey, Stella"


"So many lights..."

And finally:

"Wazzzzz up?"

I can't blame her though. 

She comes by her silliness honest.

I have no explanation. 

Its the monkey in me. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. That is true love. Taking them to Chuck E Cheese with no birthday party involved! Wow.

  2. I know Leah, right! Its not just that its loud and obnoxious - its that the pizza is really terrible!.

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