Step away from the princesses

So I sat down to watch this report on why princesses are bad for little girls the other day. 

Someone had blogged about it and then I saw the report on the Today Show. 

It was the same old argument you always hear. 

They talked about how from a girls earliest age - even in utero - they are encouraged to be princesses. 

The nurse looks at the ultrasound and says "You're having a princess!"

And then you are supposed to be all offended. 


Then they had a woman on who had written several books on feminism before she had kids and was shocked to find out that her girls were into princesses even though she had actively tried to discourage it and had no princess stuff at her house. 

She talked about how her girls were naturally drawn to pink anywhere they saw it and how upset she got by that. 

Blah, blah, blah. 

At this point I began to have trouble watching because EVERYTIME a princess face would flash on screen this would happen:


See, Minion 3 had wandered over and was actively squealing every time she saw a princess. 

She got so excited that she crawled on to my lap and accidentally stopped the video. 

She then began to punch buttons trying to get the princesses back on the screen. 

Bless her heart. 

She should be ashamed of herself.

Put that doll down!

Go work on your multiplication tables!

Poor minion. 

Predestined to like princesses and all things pink. 
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. That's like telling boys not to like trucks. What in the world is the harm in girls liking princesses? I don't get it. Now the hoochie mama dolls that come much too early is a whole other story but princesses? Not a bad thing.

  2. I think thats what the article was getting at ultimately. If you let your kid have Barbies at 3 are you going to let them have Bratz at 6. I would no more let Stella have a Bratz doll then I would a snake but I don't see the big deal with Barbie. Who knows? I definitely don't like going to get a pedicure and sitting by a four year old but that may just be me being judgmental. I just think if you get pedicures as a kid what do you have to look forward to.

  3. Great post Paula. And ADORABLE pics of sweet stella!

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