Or not...

So I was going to write this reay sentimenta post today about my Grandmom's hands and how much I oved them and then this happened. 

The  key on my computer that is the etter in between k and m in the aphabet decided to take a eave of absence. 

I tried to write about my Grandmom but it just ooked ike I was trying to be funny with my ack of that etter between k and m. 

I'm an idiot. 

Goodbye etter between k and m. 

I' miss you forever.

Or unti I go to the mac store tomorrow. 

Who caused this mayhem?

"It wasn't me"

"Who me?"

Hmmm....my search continues.
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I bet you will find it in the bottom of a bin of legos. I found lots of stuff in ours. Lots.

  2. Good call - it holds many things besides Legos.

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