For some reason...

...I'm obsessed with taking pictures of my minions when they are sleeping. 

For example:


And this...

And this...

And this - my father in law even got in on the sleeping in this one...

And this - nice black eye kid!

And this...

Yes - he is sound asleep in the bathtub.

I think the reason I take pictures of them when they are sleeping is because when they are awake they do weird things. 

Like this:

I promise he has never seen or heard of the movie Risky Business (which I hated by the way.)

Apparently hanging out in underwear and sunglasses just comes naturally to some people.

Or dangerous things like this:

Um, perhaps that flame is getting a little high?

Please don't set your pajama pants on fire. 

Or goofy things like this:

How many of those have you eaten kid?

Or truly disturbing things like this:

Thats just weird. 

I'm sorry for my minions weirdness.

I am totally normal all the time.

Hey! No comments from you little lady.

As you can see she remains silent on the matter. 

Its clear though that she agrees with me - it's the men in the family that are weird.  
AKA Jane Random

My superpower? The ability to blog everyday.


  1. I love taking pictures of my people asleep too. Mainly because they can't move at the last minute and blur the picture or stick their finger in front of the viewfinder right when I click. So they actually kinda turn out. :) Great picture of sweet Stella!!

  2. I took that picture with my IPhone so I'm super surprised it turned out so well. I think the colors were just great. Plus her little nose was so cold and so cute.

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