It takes a long time to fly to Montana.
Several years ago, even though he knew this, Mr "I'm obsessed with Montana" still decided to fly alone with our four year old to big sky country.
I was probably supposed to capitalize Big Sky.
Billy decided to fly all the way to Montana with him and then...
...wait for it...
buy an RV and drive it back home.
What could possibly go wrong?
Did I mention he decided to do this in February?
Again, what could possibly go wrong?
So, we've already established that it takes a long time to fly to Montana.
Its at least two stops and sometimes even 3.
So what do you do with a four year old on an airplane?
First you read the safety instructions:
Ya know, safety first and all that.
Don't worry kid!
People fly all the time.
Nothing bad ever happens.
No one ever has to 'assume the crash position.'
Well...maybe your Mom did once but everything turned out fine.
Well, fineish. I mean sure it left me permanently scarred and never wanting to fly again but there ya go.
Second you color:
In your Transformers book.
And on the seat belt.
And on the tray table.
And on your Dad's new jacket.
You feast!
Yummmm...fruit loops.
Well, that took about 5 minutes.
For the rest of the plane ride you fidget.
That gets us through the plane rides...
Now what to do in the airports?
You can listen to tunes:
Or you can try on cowboy hats:
Other than that I'm at a loss.
Have fun Billy!
But at the end of the very long day of travel at least you have this waiting for you:
Oh my.
Wow. Just wow.
Have fun boys!
See Jane Travel