Just a few more days of Montana pictures and then we'll be on to...
Who knows?
I do know that I'll be over all things winter as soon as January 1st hits so it will probably be somewhere sunny.
So, this is the beautiful Firehole Falls in Montana:
They even labeled it for us.
Thanks, Montana!
And another picture of it:
Here it is a little closer.
Hmmm...its really not any closer.
Did the sign just disappear?
Its a Montana mystery.
Here is a picture of it from the top.
Thrilling, I know.
Aren't you glad you checked my blog today?
Here is picture number 4,348 of Billy in Montana.
The man likes the 406 area code.
The man would like to live in the 406 area code.
He would like to but I have a momma and I'm not afraid to use her.
Here are Firehole Falls a little farther down.
I didn't see a fire.
I didn't really see a hole either.
I have no clue why its called that.
Maybe its one of those 'park in driveways' and 'drive in parkways' kinda things.
See Jane Travel